Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Luz Noceda Fandom

kikimora owl house

Despite her high station and her loyalty to Belos, Kikimora appears to be somewhat cowardly when confronted head-on, as Luz is easily able to intimidate her into compliance by threatening her with a fire glyph. In this regard, she is also a hypocrite, angrily reprimanding Warden Wrath for failing to apprehend Luz and King beforehand, despite Wrath at least making an honest attempt to do so. After being tricked by Belos, Kikimora officially turns on him after finally having enough of his demeaning and abusive nature, helping King reach out to the Collector in order to subdue Belos and stop the Draining Spell. After the Day of Unity, she attempts to restructure the Boiling Isles with herself on top. At first, Luz takes an immediate disliking to Hunter when he kidnaps King and forces her to kill a selkidomus, but he does honor his word by giving him back. Boscha reading a "Good Witch Azura" series book in a dramatic tone, taunting Luz.


As a show of good faith, Lilith gives Owlbert back to Luz, despite being ordered to destroy them. Upon their return to the demon realm, Luz and Lilith work together to free Eda and escape back to the Owl House. She admires and looks up to Eda, hoping to be a great witch like her one day. Due to both having eccentric personalities, she relates to Eda when she says weirdos like them have to stick together.

Coven Captain

However, Luz finds the time pools hidden in the sand and they search for one leading to the Deadwardian Era. During her second day in the Boiling Isles, Luz is excited to learn magic with Eda, but Eda, besides showing little interest in Luz's training, has other methods of teaching her, including selling potions all over Bonesborough. Luz does not fare too well in this endeavor, realizing that Humans are not well liked in the Boiling Isles.

Building a portal and dating Amity

Luz returns to the land of the living with a new human-titan fusion form, and she, Eda, and King take on Belos as the Collector helps her friends in the Archives. Luz, Eda, and King combine their powers to counter the corrosion Belos has placed on the Isles. The three make their way to the throne room, and after Eda frees Raine, the four attempt to pry Belos off of the heart. As the others hold him off, an enraged Luz pulls Belos off of the heart, and his corrosion upon the Isles ends.

Emperor Belos/Philip Wittebane

'The Owl House' Review: Season 2 Episode 20 “Clouds on the Horizon” - TV Source Magazine

'The Owl House' Review: Season 2 Episode 20 “Clouds on the Horizon”.

Posted: Fri, 27 May 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Once the trio bring the house back to the original location, Luz apologizes to Hooty, to which he accepts, as he is just glad to be included. Stringbean is Luz's beloved palisman, in the form of a purple snake-shifter, whom she first carved in "Clouds on the Horizon" from a rare sample of Palistrom wood that Eda had obtained for her. Even prior to Stringbean's birth, Luz loved her palisman deeply, being extremely eager for it to come to life. This love was demonstrated when Luz originally carved Stringbean into the form of an egg, so that when she hatched she would be able to choose for herself what she wanted to be. This not only granted Stringbean a form of freedom that other palismen generally lacked, but also reflected Luz's own desire of becoming what she wishes to be, regardless of what others think of her. When Manny finally succumbed to his illness sometime following the Nocedas' arrival in Gravesfield, Luz was left devastated by her father's passing and struggled to come to terms with her loss.


Luz apologizes to the kids in the detention track and they work together to bring down the basilisk. However, Bump berates them for breaking school rules and he gives in, allowing the students in the detention track to take on two tracks and permitting Luz to study all nine tracks. Afterwards, Bump cleans off the portrait of the room's creator, revealing them to be Eda. As she strains with Eda, Luz begins to criticize Eda's teaching methods and, when the Blights leave their camp, she steals the training wand and performs a fire spell.

In the gym, Amity explains that every year a monster that can shapeshift into one's worst fear, Grometheus the Fear Bringer, tries to break out and terrorize the Boiling Isles and Bump holds a dance to lighten the mood. As Amity explains that grom royalty is tasked with stopping Grometheus, and says her fear is embarrassing. As Luz is looking through a brochure for Hexside, she remembers she is supposed to meet Amity to get her book back. After Amity hands over the book, Luz tells her they could start a book club once she starts Hexside. However, Amity reveals that to be in her class, one must know a minimum of two spells or they would be placed in the baby class. In a panic, Luz lies that she knows two spells and runs back to the Owl House to insist Eda teach her more spells.

As Crow Phones arrive to take Willow and Gus to their angry parents, Amity appears and apologizes for not doing anything. Luz tries to attack with a glyph, but it crumbles as it is not exposed to the Titan. Lilith pins her and Luz says Lilith should be petrified, to which the witch agrees. They then go back to the Demon Realm after Luz looks back at the Human Realm one last time.

He eventually makes it, finds an unfinished Grimwalker, and decides to kill it and absorb it, letting himself heal. At the Archive House, King and the Collector talk to Odalia Blight, Amity's mother, who has now become a servant for the Collector. The two leave and meet with Lilith, who prepares the elixirs that keep Eda out of her beast form, and she is able to reunite with Hooty, who still possesses some consciousness as a puppet. Viney, Jerbo, and Barcus are three of Luz's friends and classmates at Hexside, being the first students she befriended following her enrollment. Luz first met them during her first day at Hexside after being placed with them in the detention track by Principal Bump. This selflessness earned her their respect and appreciation, leading to them befriending her and inviting her into the Secret Room of Shortcuts.

When Luz makes herself noticed, the girls embrace and Luz promises to take Amity on a real date after all this is over, to which Amity kisses her. After both girls are startled by the kiss, Luz reveals she brought back up and they, along with the twins, go to the Blight's factory. Hooty leads her to a room filled with skulls resembling King's and they see a disk just like the one that Philip dug up.

kikimora owl house

Soon, Amity runs over and reveals that the author of the Good Witch Azura books, Mildred Featherwhyle, is signing books in town. Luz is surprised as she believes Featherwhyle to be human, while Amity says she is a witch. After comparing the author's photos, they notice the picture in Amity's book has pointed ears, while the picture in Luz's book has round ears. Upon seeing this, they believe the author can travel between worlds and they go off to meet her.

Kikimora (voiced by Mela Lee) is Belos' minion and essentially his secretary, often fighting people or giving out orders. Her hair resembles a hand clinging onto her head, and she wears a jacket that covers her mouth; a glimpse of her mouth is shown in "Clouds on the Horizon", showing she has two teeth. She rarely appears in season one, often contacting members of the Emperor's Coven. Kikimora and Boscha met during the Collector's reign after Boscha's friends were turn into puppets by the Collector's spies. After that, she began pretending to be a student at Hexside and "befriended" her, she convinces her to rule Hexside and not take on the Collector and became Boscha's advisor. During that time, she continued manipulating Boscha and reject others' ideas and proposals.

After arriving at Hexside, Luz and the others are shocked by the state the school is in. After learning that Boscha has taken control of the school in the absence of adults, Luz tries to get her to help them reach the Head, but with advice from Boscha's advisor Miki, she rejects them and kicks them out of the gym. As Mattholomule explains the difficulties since Boscha took power, Luz remembers Belos using a teleportation glyph to travel to the Head and they head to the photo lab. After Willows leaves upon Hunter reacting negatively to a photo of him and Flapjack she shows him, Hunter and Gus go after her as Boscha arrives with Sleeping Nettle to knock them out, Miki reveals herself to be Kikimora as Luz and her companions pass out. The following day, Luz helps Camila out at the veterinarian clinic and puts her egg under a heat lamp, hoping it would help it hatch. Shortly before they head out, Luz touches a glyph and it starts to burn slightly.

She is clever, creative, and a quick thinker, capable of coming up with solutions to problems on the fly, but if she has too much on her mind, she can be oblivious to things like, initially, Amity's crush on her. At times, Luz has also been shown to utter small phrases in Spanish when experiencing certain bouts of emotion. She also possesses fondness for certain animals that most would find creepy and disgusting, such as snakes, spiders, and possums.

'The Owl House' Season Finale Review: Season 2 Episode 21 “King's Tide” - TV Source Magazine

'The Owl House' Season Finale Review: Season 2 Episode 21 “King's Tide”.

Posted: Tue, 31 May 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Luz then asks Amity to be her date and the two dance and defeat Grometheus together. Luz asks Amity who she wanted to ask, but Amity does not answer as the other students carry the two away on their shoulders. Back at the Owl House, Luz gets a text from her mother and replies that she is having a great time and hopes her mother can meet her new friends. Luz thinks she is referring to the texts, unaware someone has been writing letters to her mother in her name. As Luz first discovers the plant glyph, she gets a text from her mom as the portal is open and, fearing she will react negatively, she sends an emoji before going off to school. After Luz's friends explain to her what Grom is, she becomes excited and thinks she has a shot at being grom queen to which her friends say is a bad thing.

In the beginning of "Thanks to Them", Luz gave Amity a bandage for her hand while Amity stared at her with appreciation. Luz and Amity also worked together to come out to Camila, the latter of which approved of their relationship. Although not outright shown, it is revealed in "Thanks to Them" that while in the Human Realm, Luz did fulfill her promise and take Amity out on dates, as seen in photos inside Willow's scrapbook. Some of the activities the duo did include going for a swim and drinking milkshakes together. Luz also introduced Amity to the non-hostile rain of the Human Realm, the two ended up twirling together and embracing each other. Amity noticed Luz's frowned expression, prompting her to cast a light spell for her.

The Owl House TV Series 2020 2023

kikimora owl house

Following this, Luz enrolls herself and is accepted into the University of Wild Magic in the Demon Realm, of which Eda had become the headmaster of. Luz, Amity, Eda, King, and Hooty watch the parade as it is suddenly announced that Belos will deliver a message. Belos informs the residents of the Boiling Isles that the Day of Unity will occur in exactly one month and shows the crowd his face for the first time.

'The Owl House' Review: Season 3 Episode 2 “For the Future” - TV Source Magazine

'The Owl House' Review: Season 3 Episode 2 “For the Future”.

Posted: Thu, 06 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The Owl House"Watching and Dreaming"

She reveals she got Amity her job back and describes what she went through as the mouse that ate the diary appears out of her hood. She grabs it and Amity explains it is an echo mouse and demonstrates how it projects what it eats. After watching an entry, Luz changes her attitude on the mouse and says they will be great friends. Nine days after the petrification, Lilith has moved into the Owl House and they have taken up odd jobs to supply an income, with their most recent being bounty hunters. One day before handing in a bounty, she leaves a message for her mother, which fails to be sent. At the market, they are given a fraction of the reward money and Luz insists they go after targets with larger bounties, but Eda is against it.

Arriving in the Boiling Isles

Luz takes Amity, Willow, and Gus to the Owl House where Eda explains that they have to go into Willow's mind and fix the damage manually. Though she initially wishes to return to Earth, Luz quickly takes to her magical new environment and makes herself Eda's apprentice, despite lacking any innate magical abilities of her own. Thus begins her journey as a witch-in-training; discovering the secrets of her new home, making new friends, trying new things, and figuring out where she truly belongs. Luz Noceda (Sarah-Nicole Robles) is an enthusiastic teenage girl who struggles to fit in with her peers due to her overwhelming love for the macabre. One day, whilst en route to summer camp, she stumbles upon a portal to the Demon Realm, a mystical dimension from which all of Earth's myths originate, where she ends up on the Boiling Isles, an archipelago formed from the decaying remains of a colossal humanoid creature. Upon her arrival, she finds herself crossing paths with a rebellious, gifted outlaw named Edalyn "Eda" Clawthorne (Wendie Malick) and her feisty, fuzzy roommate King (Alex Hirsch), both of whom reside in their living, breathing titular abode.

Eda Clawthorne

kikimora owl house

That night, Luz records a video diary stating that she intends to stay on the Human Realm after getting her friends back home, deciding to tell them after the festival. Luz wakes up in a hallway lined with portraits as Hunter berates her for trapping them in the emperor's mind as they see a small child in a wooden mask. As Luz tries to convince Hunter of Belos' malicious actions, they see the shadowy figure approach them and Luz and Hunter hide in a memory. They see Belos preaching to a crowd about the coven system when "wild witches" attack. The memory continues, revealing the "attack" to have been explosives set off by a Golden Guard, with Belos ordering him to set off the rest. Next, they see Belos and another Golden Guard induct the first witches into the nine covens, and watch as they react negatively to the sigils and are left to die.

She learns that the Collector has taken them and is playing games to keep her away from Eda and King. To save everyone, Luz has to wake up by "turning on the light." Amity hands her a light glyph, which she uses to wake up and help Eda and King wake up too. At the end of season 1, Lilith casts a spell that splits the curse between herself and Eda, cursing herself and greatly weakening her magic in the process.

These are a white tunic overtop a black ensemble, as well as a high-collared veil which shrouds the lower regions of her face. She is Emperor Belos's power-hungry and ruthless assistant, who's trying to become his right-hand by any means, including killing the Golden Guard. After the Collector took over the Boiling Isles, she helped Boscha rule over New Hexside under the guise of a teen named Miki, secretly planning to start her own empire now that Belos is gone. Kikimora is a small red demon woman with three digit hands and toes that have dark claws on them. She has one visible eye that is yellow with red iris while the other, hidden under her hair, is red with yellow iris. She has large pointy ears, a small nub of a nose and, while rarely shown, a small toothed mouth.

However, they all fail to go through, as the portal was the only way for her texts to reach the Human Realm. Luz and her companions explaining to the Collector how kindness and forgiveness can be effective in making friends. As she tries to focus on them, Amity pulls Luz through the portal just as it closes and says they almost thought she was left behind.

Early life

He shows them a door he has trouble opening and as Philip adds to his diary, Lilith pulls Luz aside to tell her she has a bad feeling about Philip. Luz brushes it off as she goes to speak with Philip while Lilith tries to open the door. Luz sees Philip writing about their current exploits and is disturbed when he writes about his companions' deaths. Just then, Lilith opens the door and is pulled inside as Philip says he needed a sacrifice. As Luz is watching entries, she is late for Lilith's party in the living room for her new job as museum curator.

Family information

Inner Willow then pulls Luz and Amity into the memory where it shows Amity pushing Willow away and Inner Willow tries to destroy Amity, until Amity reveals how her parents had forced her to end the friendship. Luz watches as Amity apologizes and promises to be a better person in the future. After exiting Willow's mind, Willow questions Luz on how Amity found out about the memory in the first place. Despite fumbling her placement audition, Luz gets into Hexside and is nervous as Eda drops her off. Willow and Gus congratulate her for getting in as Amity welcomes her to school. After King—who snuck into school in her backpack—starts to eat out of the trash can, Luz tells him they do not know each other if anyone asks.

In "Through the Looking Glass Ruins", Luz still blushes when in the presence of Amity, though less so than her. After discovering the Echo Mouse, Amity tells Luz, "You always have a way of sneaking into people's hearts", and kisses her on the cheek. Luz is left completely dumbstruck by this as Amity turns away and walks into her house in embarrassment.

As Luz struggles with balancing building a portal and her crush on Amity, Hooty kidnaps Amity and puts her in the basement of the Owl House. Luz apologizes for the incident as Amity asks Luz to forget about the last time Luz was at Blight Manor. When they get off, Luz apologizes for the incident and Amity brushes off the idea of them being a couple. After King and Eda explain that Hooty helped them, Luz says he was helping her ask Amity out. As King and Eda subdue Hooty, the girls fall into a small pit and the two ask each other out.

After King leaves, she admits that she doesn't want to be mad at him, and goes to the party later to congratulate him. However, when King says he needs her to help write his next book, claiming that he needs to rebel against her "gushy fantasy slop", Luz feels insulted and leaves, refusing to work with him. Later, after they are both captured in a shrinking cube by Piniet, Luz says that they're in this situation because King refused to compromise, and that she just wanted to write a story with her friend. King then admits that while Luz is living out her dream of becoming a witch, his celebrity status is the closest he'll ever get to his dream. After that, the two work together to come up with a plan, and later escape successfully.

She does not tolerate when others take advantage of their positions in life, regularly standing up for herself, and those who cannot do so themselves or inspiring them to as seen against the likes of Boscha at school and Belos' oppressive rule on the Isles. In addition, when provoked enough, Luz is capable of great rage and is quite formidable as an opponent. Upon returning to the Boiling Isles, Camila and Vee surprise Luz with a belated quinceañera in the style of the Isles. This was due to Luz's three-year contribution to rebuilding the Isles, covering her 15th, 16th, and 17th birthdays.

Monday, May 6, 2024

The Legislative Branch

house of representatives vs senate

In the House, key committees include Budget, Ways and Means, and Armed Services, while the Senate has Appropriations, Foreign Relations, and Judiciary committees. (Some committees exist in both chambers, such as Budget, Armed Services, and Veterans Affairs.) Special committees are temporary, formed to investigate, analyze, and/or evaluate specific issues. Conference committees are formed when legislation is approved in both the House and Senate; they finalize the language in legislation.

house of representatives vs senate

The Legislative Process

Joint committees feature members of the House and Senate, with leadership of each committee alternating between members of each chamber. The Arizona for Abortion Access campaign has been working to get a potential constitutional amendment on the state's ballot to enshrine abortion access. Democrats believe that could boost voter enthusiasm and turnout for their candidates, given how abortion access has succeeded in previous elections since Roe v. Wade's nationwide protections were overruled in 2022. If you are having problems contacting your representative, you can report the problem using the Contact Webmaster form, write or call your elected representative, or visit the member's website for alternate contact information.

Government Oversight

This balance was disrupted by the passage of the 17th amendment and has led to the overpowering growth in the size and power of the federal government. While all these politicians are voted into office by the people, I believe that, after time, they forget a bit what the people want, and they pretty much do what they want. Every 2 senators are elected from the same state irrespective of the particular state’s population. The Senate is the upper House of the legislative wing of the US Congress. The members of the Senate are popularly known as the senators and are elected for a duration term of 6 years.

More House History

A bill is first considered in a subcommittee, where it may be accepted, amended, or rejected entirely. If the members of the subcommittee agree to move a bill forward, it is reported to the full committee, where the process is repeated again. Throughout this stage of the process, the committees and subcommittees call hearings to investigate the merits and flaws of the bill. They invite experts, advocates, and opponents to appear before the committee and provide testimony, and can compel people to appear using subpoena power if necessary. House leadership includes the speaker, majority and minority leaders, assistant leaders, whips and a party caucus or conference. The speaker acts as leader of the House and combines several institutional and administrative roles.

The state government no longer has a say in the operation of the federal government and must give in to its ever growing power. Congress is more or less the sum of the two houses - the Senate and the House of Representatives during a given period of time. "seeing as convicted felons aren't allowed to vote, I'm guessing they're not allowed to be congress members."

Main Differences Between House and Senate

A bill must pass both houses of Congress before it goes to the President for consideration. Though the Constitution requires that the two bills have the exact same wording, this rarely happens in practice. To bring the bills into alignment, a Conference Committee is convened, consisting of members from both chambers. The members of the committee produce a conference report, intended as the final version of the bill. Depending on where the bill originated, the final text is then enrolled by either the Clerk of the House or the Secretary of the Senate, and presented to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate for their signatures. In order to pass legislation and send it to the President for his or her signature, both the House and the Senate must pass the same bill by majority vote.

Majority party powers and prerogatives

The Constitution gave exclusive roles to the Senate which may be seen as higher status, such as conducting impeachment trials, ratifying treaties and agreeing to executive and judicial appointments. They are on average older than their counterparts in the House, and have an older minimum age to be selected, according to the Constitution. If a Washington politician has ambitions for higher things, then the Senate will provide a better springboard.

After extensive debate, the framers of the Constitution agreed to create the House with representation based on population and the Senate with equal representation. This agreement was part of what is referred to as The Great Compromise. Enter your ZIP code in the banner of this page to find the representative for your congressional district. The US Constitution stipulates that for anyone to be a senator, he/she must be over thirty years old and lived in the country for about nine years.

How a bill becomes law

If the President vetoes a bill, they may override his veto by passing the bill again in each chamber with at least two-thirds of each body voting in favor. Whether working on Capitol Hill or in his / her congressional district, a representative’s schedule is extremely busy. Often beginning early in the morning with topical briefings, most representatives move quickly among caucus and committee meetings and hearings.

The President Had Phone Conversations with the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Senate's ... - Офіційне інтернет-представництво Президента України

The President Had Phone Conversations with the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Senate's ....

Posted: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 16:33:00 GMT [source]

In the House, debate time is restricted and topics are set beforehand, with discussions limited to the agenda. Once the floor is ceded to a senator, he or she can speak for as long as the senator chooses, on any topic; no other business can be transacted while the person speaks. A filibuster is used to block potential legislation or Senate decisions until a favorable vote can be called.

The package, which now goes to the Senate, is almost certain to become law. They have filibuster power, which can completely halt the passing of a bill unless they have 60 members to vote down the filibuster, and thereby put the bill into effect. Furthermore, they are far more connected to the president than the house.

Branches of Government

house of representatives vs senate

Still, 37 “no” votes, while a break from Washington’s ironclad support for the Jewish state, fell short of the opposition bloc progressives had hoped to muster. Thirty-nine Democrats had voted “no” on Friday on the rule to allow the foreign aid package to come to the House floor, a target that progressives just missed on Saturday on the Israel bill. Fourteen of those Democrats voted on Saturday in favor of aid to Israel, while 12 Democrats who voted to allow the package on the floor on Friday then cast votes against the funding itself. The House passed a long-stalled foreign aid package on Saturday that gives funding to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, with a majority of lawmakers backing money for American allies across the globe.

1973: 38 seats

house of representatives vs senate

This emphasizes the Senate’s duty to advise on and consent to actions taken in the House and by the executive branch of government. In this role, the framers expressed their “suspicion of the presidency” by allowing the Senate to serve as a check on executive powers. Two Republican senators have already said they will support the repeal effort, signaling the House bill should pass that chamber and then go to Gov. Katie Hobbs' desk to be signed into law.

Roles of Representatives and Senators

The Government Publishing Office prints the revised bill in a process called enrolling. For a bill to become a law, it must be passed by both chambers of Congress. The bill begins in either the House or Senate and must be passed by a majority vote. It is then voted on by the other chamber, and if the majority of congresspersons in that chamber also vote for it, it is sent to the president, who can sign it into law or veto it.

Mid-term changes

Refusal to cooperate with a congressional subpoena can result in charges of contempt of Congress, which could result in a prison term. Senators are elected for a six-year term, but House representatives only have two-year terms before they need to seek reelection. Every member of the House is up for election or reelection every two years, but the Senate has a staggered system wherein only one-third of the Senators are up for election or reelection every two years.

In the Senate, every senator has a say in the laws being passed and for it to precede all the members must agree unanimously. A single senator can object to the legislation if he/she disagrees with the bill. Once the bill is released by the committee, representatives or senators debate it and propose amendments or other changes prior to putting the bill to a vote. After passing in the initial body (House or Senate), the bill goes to the other body, where it’s researched, discussed, and amended further. The important role of political parties in the organization and functioning of the House is described by the House of Representatives Archive.

–1960s: Committee era

The Vice President of the United States serves as President of the Senate and may cast the decisive vote in the event of a tie in the Senate. Members of the House are elected every two years and must be 25 years of age, a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and a resident of the state (but not necessarily the district) they represent. Use the Find Your Representative box in the banner of this site to identify your representative, then use the contact form to share your thoughts. The House will sometimes form a special or select committee for a short time period and specific purpose, frequently an investigation. Get answers to frequently asked questions about committees from the Clerk of the House.

Rep. Peters' Statement on Israel Aid Vote and Senate Compromise Bill - Congressman Scott Peters

Rep. Peters' Statement on Israel Aid Vote and Senate Compromise Bill.

Posted: Tue, 06 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]


The notion that courts could declare laws unconstitutional was envisioned by the founding fathers. Alexander Hamilton, for example, mentioned and expounded upon the doctrine in Federalist No. 78. It is a huge check by the courts on the legislative authority and limits congressional power substantially. In 1857, for example, the Supreme Court struck down provisions of a congressional act of 1820 in its Dred Scott decision.[117] At the same time, the Supreme Court can extend congressional power through its constitutional interpretations. Congress, as one of the three coequal branches of government, is ascribed significant powers by the Constitution.

The number of representatives per state is proportionate to population. In 1803, the Supreme Court established judicial review of federal legislation in Marbury v. Madison, holding that Congress could not grant unconstitutional power to the Court itself. The Constitution did not explicitly state that the courts may exercise judicial review.

house of representatives vs senate

The majority party elects a speaker of the house and chooses other leadership positions, including the chair of all House committees. There are more members of the House than of the Senate, so the majority party wields more power in the lower chamber. The decision of the framers to allow bills to pass the House after getting a simple majority of votes was motivated by the desire to allow legislation to be enacted quickly. The responsibility for assessing and developing bills belongs to standing committees that are chaired by members of the majority party, but are made up of members of both parties, as the Congressional Research Service explains. Debating legislation has stricter rules in the House than in the Senate, applicable at both the committee and whole-body levels.

Much like the House power to select the president, this power has rarely been used. To elect the vice-president if there is no overall majority in the Electoral College. Rather it means the House wanting to bring formal charges against a public official because, in their view, there is sufficient evidence of `Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.' (Art. II Sec. 4). Congress also maintains an investigative organization, the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

Such commissions are typically created by either law or House resolution, and may be composed of House members, private citizens, or a mix of both. In some cases, the commissions are entities of the House or Congress itself; in other cases, they are crafted as independent entities within the legislative branch. The House’s standing committees have different legislative jurisdictions. Each considers bills and issues and recommends measures for consideration by the House. Committees also have oversight responsibilities to monitor agencies, programs, and activities within their jurisdictions, and in some cases in areas that cut across committee jurisdictions.

After both chambers accept the bill, joint committees work out the differences between the two versions. Similarly, members of the Senate majority party are chosen to chair all committees. However, the nature of the Senate requires that the majority leaders of committees work with the ranking member of the minority party to accomplish the committee’s goals. The Senate website explains that the majority party controls most committee staff and resources, but the minority party retains a level of control based on its share of Senate seats. Therefore, the majority party must work more closely with the Senate minority party than is typical in the House, which needs only a simple majority to approve measures.

The United States is divided into 435 congressional districts, each with a population of about 710,000 individuals. Each district elects a representative to the House of Representatives for a two-year term. Americans in the United States’s six territories are represented in the House of Representatives by an additional six non-voting delegates. Describe the problems of a minor political party in competing with the Republicans and the democrats in national elections. Give the names of their parties and the years they ran and some idea of the percentage of the vote they garnered.

The Senate uses roll-call voting, in which a clerk calls out the names of all the senators, each senator stating "aye" or "no" when their name is announced. In the Senate, the Vice President may cast the tie-breaking vote if present when the senators are equally divided. The Senate ratifies treaties and approves presidential appointments while the House initiates revenue-raising bills. When the bill comes up for consideration, the House has a very structured debate process. Each member who wishes to speak only has a few minutes, and the number and kind of amendments are usually limited. In the Senate, debate on most bills is unlimited — Senators may speak to issues other than the bill under consideration during their speeches, and any amendment can be introduced.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Top 11 Best Haunted Houses in Atlanta Atlanta's Most Disturbing and Haunting Attractions!

haunted house atlanta ga

According to legend, the man died on his way to work, but that doesn’t stop him from hanging around, and members of the staff report mysteriously slamming doors and footsteps running up and down the halls. Meanwhile a few miles away, Quantum Cryonics was accumulating too much runoff from their reactors to keep at their facility and needed somewhere to discreetly dispose of the excess waste. A high ranking member discovered the nearby desolate swamp and quickly began loading up drums in their unmarked vehicle and started disposing of them in the murky depths. It wasn’t long before people noticed the local flora and fauna were growing at exponential rates.

Haunted Houses in Savannah GA

Originally constructed in 1887, the building was restored in 2003 and now operates as a popular breakfast and lunch spot. If you choose to dine at this historic Atlanta eatery, be on the lookout for the sickly souls of Henry Foster and his son. Employees of Foster House claim to have spotted the apparition of a young boy holding a music box, which plays an eerie tune before slamming shut. Other accounts of paranormal activity include silverware levitating in the air, and broomsticks standing up on their own. As the site of an important Civil War battle, the next location houses some of the oldest Atlanta ghosts. The park features rolling hills and lush green trees, and looking at it today, one would never guess its bloody history.

What is the scariest haunted house in Georgia?

I met The Collector once under bright lights and he was creepy — I can’t image meeting him in a dark room! You’ve got to check out the photos on their website — truly frightening. Newly minted Oscar winner Da'Vine Joy Randolph will join in the weekend festivities as another of ABC News' A-list guests. Fresh off a successful award season for her supporting role in The Holdovers, Randolph, 37, is one of the most exciting names in Hollywood right now.

'Shots fired' reported at Augusta Mall

Numerous famous historical figures have attended the Fox Theatre in its heyday, and many claim that their spirits remain, continuing their acts in the afterlife. Before it was the Ellis, this downtown Atlanta hotel was known as the Winecoff, the famed “fireproof” structure of its day. In 1946, the hotel caught ablaze, resulting in the deaths of 119 people and earning it the unfortunate nickname “The Titanic on Peachtree.” To this day it remains the deadliest hotel fire in U.S. history. In 1904, millionaire furniture tycoon Amos Giles Rhodes built the mansion where he and his wife Amanda would live out their final days. Carved in a Romanesque Revival style out of granite from Georiga’s Stone Mountain, the Peachtree Street estate resembles more of a fortress or castle than a home. Another visitor who sticks around long after Halloween is the spirit of an actor who once worked at the Crystal Pistol, the park’s music hall.

But they’ve grown a lot, expanding to a huge 54,000-square-foot location designed to scare anyone who’s brave enough to enter. One of the themes for the 2 haunted houses is called CRYPTID CHAOS. Located in Lithia Springs GA, Containment Haunted House is one of those old-school haunted houses that aims to hit every possible genre of horror. Hear the mysterious notes of an invisible organist, still playing accompaniment for a performance as you walk by Atlanta’s Fox Theatre. Originally, it was built to be the Yaarab Temple Shrine headquarters, but that dream was never realized. Instead, the Fox Theater opened in 1929 as the Fabulous Fox Theatre.

haunted house atlanta ga

Locals have reported many experiences with Civil War soldiers who’ve stopped by for a visit. Apparently, they seem to just come and go through different residential homes in nearby neighborhoods. Formerly known as The Winecoff, the Ellis remains the site of the deadliest hotel fire in U.S. history.

The majority of the paranormal activity that goes on here has been attributed to the wife of Amos Rhodes who actually died in the property. She is said to play with the lights and there are reports of unexplained footsteps and disembodied voices. 3844 Longview Dr, Douglasville, GA 30135Another haunted house location with multiple experiences, Nightmare’s Gate features two attractions this year – Terror Falls and The Haunting of Longview Estate. In the Hauntings of Longview Estate, you’ll find yourself in a horrifying, opulent estate with multiple ghouls surprising you at each turn. Meanwhile, with Terror Falls, you’ll head to a haunted swamp where evil lurks. Once you’ve worked up an appetite in the swamp, do what the cajuns do – eat cajun food!

Read about last year's attractions below

haunted house atlanta ga

They’ve also been known to have a tendency to lurk in the ceilings. It is not at all surprising that some of the older homes and buildings in the city come complete with their very own ghost stories. If you’ve lived in Atlanta long enough, you’ve heard that The Masquerade’s former North Avenue location overflowed with vampires.

Top 8 Best Haunted Houses in Kansas City – Brave the Trails and Ghostly Tours for a Year-Round Thrill!

Head to Gumbeaux’s, A Cajun Cafe in downtown Douglasville for delicious etouffee, po boys, gumbo and more. Netherworld is widely considered the scariest haunted house in Georgia. At Netherworld, you’ll find live actors, amazing monsters, and terrifying special effects around every turn. Located near Stone Mountain Park (which hosts one of our favorite North Georgia Christmas events), the self-guided walk-through attraction offers two uniquely horrific haunted experiences. Given the amount of death that the Ellis Hotel has seen, it is no surprise that it is considered one of the most haunted hotels in Atlanta, GA. Both hotel staff and guests have reported some terrifying paranormal activity throughout the hotel.

They’ve stepped up their game, requiring visitors to sign a waiver for a terrifying experience. New attractions like “Clown Haus Returns” feature evil jesters taking over a carnival, with behind-the-scenes elements giving you a glimpse into the administrative side of the hellspawn clowns. For tourists seeking activities in Atlanta, explore the eeriest of all the haunted houses for a genuinely spine-tingling adventure. Although not really a haunted house, it is a little spooky at night will all the glowing jack-o-lanterns!

Among these is an old organist whose ashes were scattered in the theatre, and is said to linger behind. The staff has reported hearing him play his favorite tunes after hours. Another is the ghost of a former employee’s girlfriend whose spirit possesses the elevator. Guests report pressing the button for the second or third floor, only to wind up on the fourth where she supposedly died. Staff also report hearing the sound of footsteps in the audience when the theatre is empty or catching a glimpse of a ghostly face watching them from the dark.

Discover Babs Midtown, where a malevolent, haunted house used to sit, still sending chills down the spines of those who cross it. Others report seeing strange glowing orbs floating from room to room, particularly on the third floor of the building. Older residents of the building claim that the trio of ghosts lookout for more long-term residents, and mostly pick on newer, rowdier tenets. So if you ever find yourself visiting the Beverly, try to keep it down.

We want all our guests to have a great experience getting #HoodScared during their visit. Located about 7 miles east of the UGA town, Zombie Farms is nothing like the other haunted houses in Athens GA. They have three separate haunted experiences, including the hayrides, haunted trail, and a black-light 3D haunt. These haunts are spread across 15 acres of land and last for approximately 45 minutes.

Where Was Zombieland Filmed? Post-Apocalyptic Movie's Filming Locations Explained - Screen Rant

Where Was Zombieland Filmed? Post-Apocalyptic Movie's Filming Locations Explained.

Posted: Thu, 28 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The beauty of Atlanta’s architecture often reflects its long, complicated past. This Antebellum plantation was constructed by slave labor in 1839 and owned by Major James Stephen Bulloch. The house is tall and white, with its massive Grecian columns seeming to represent the timeworn ideology of the Old South. It is up to you and your team to investigate what is going on in this community. You will have to traverse the evil McCoy House and the fog-filled swamp, and be sure to ask the store owners what they know as well. It’s up to you to figure out what is happening in this wretched town.

Atlanta, Georgia

haunted house atlanta ga

Dance parties, crafts, and games are all around, and it’s a blast for kids. Dress up your kids in costumes, and trick or treat around Zoo Atlanta while surrounded by your animal friends. This event is perfect for even the littlest ghost in your crew.

haunted house atlanta ga

Top 10 Best Haunted Houses in Denver – Unveiling the Darkest Thrills

There were even reports of unusually giant and ferocious animals. Particularly, an urban legend arose amongst townsfolk of a massive bioluminescent monster residing in the local swamp. Legends aside, the ones who took the most notice were Esther McCoy’s loyal followers who still took residence in that old house. They saw the rapid growth as a sign that the witch’s power was still present and started adorning the house with sigils and candles in an attempt to resurrect their matriarch.

The Fox Theatre

Replica of Disney's Haunted Mansion on sale for $2.2 million - Business Insider

Replica of Disney's Haunted Mansion on sale for $2.2 million.

Posted: Mon, 25 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

When you’ve visited all of the stately mansions and shopped the trendiest stores in downtown Atlanta, join us for a different way to explore Dogwood City. Embark on a frightening ghost tour and add a twist of terror to the adventures you’ve already experienced. Hear nerve-wracking stories about the ghosts that linger in Atlanta’s marble mansions and of the bodies hidden in the buildings you’ve passed. Join us on a ghost tour of Atlanta to learn about bone-chilling encounters with the ghosts of the city’s tragic past. Get ready for a spine-chilling adventure in Atlanta with the Top 11 Best Haunted Houses this autumn. From the realistic ghosts of Netherworld Haunted House to the extreme scares at 13 Stories Haunted House, these attractions promise heart-pounding experiences.

Haunted Houses in Savannah GA

The House of Creeps showcases haunted artifacts from thriller movies and ancient scriptures detailing the Netherworld’s history. Seasonal ghost tours elaborate on these stories during visits to such spooky areas as the hospital room, power room, and stage freight elevator. Don’t forget to stop for photos with one of the many monsters roaming around the front of the house. But you’ll need to put your phone away before entering, as most haunted houses don’t allow photos or videos inside.


Brace yourself for trolls, witches, and an added nighttime fear factor on the roller coasters. Members with the Georgia Ghost Society heard a loud ringing noise and saw a tall figure of a woman walking toward a closet as well as a man’s face in a mirror. Also, in 2008, the Wren’s Nest staff shared some hair-raising audio of ghostly voices caught on tape.

haunted house atlanta ga

Hatchet Hills also has fun events like costume night, where you can dress up for a chance to win some awesome prizes. Escape Woods is open all year long, and they’re open to hosting birthdays and corporate team building events. Prices for each escape activity vary, and can be found on their website. Every year, during the month of October, a portion of Uncle Shuck’s 15-acre corn maze is transformed into The Dark Rows Haunted Trail, one of the most beloved haunted corn mazes in Georgia. Their “haunted forest” features a variety of different characters, including clowns, ghouls, and monsters with terrifying makeup and prosthetics. They also have a special experience for visitors 18 and older that allows guests to pick a weapon and fight their way out.

Created by experts from 13 Stories in collaboration with the Georgia Renaissance Festival, The Village is about escaping demons and evil creatures in a tiny village. Survivors can enjoy spooky carnival games at the Village Courtyard. If you’re into experiencing unfathomable dread, then this list is for you. Check out the most profoundly unsettling haunted houses below for a hair-raising experience. Haunted houses are reaching a level where you might prefer staying home because they’re just too darn haunted.


They claim that in the 1970s, a little girl was killed by a car near the park. Ever since, visitors report a confused, sometimes bloody young girl asking them for help. But when the guests try and direct her, she vanishes into the crowd. These top haunted houses near Atlanta provide two heart-pounding adventures where guests must navigate sinister energy, chainsaws, clowns, and reapers to escape the clutches of death.

They bring a intriguing twist to the usual haunted attractions in Georgia by adding an escape room element. Located less than an hour from Athens and Atlanta, the Buford Corn Maze & Haunted Forest is one of the few fun haunted attractions in Georgia that can be enjoyed by all ages. Haunted house tickets can be purchased online for $19, while haunted maze tickets can be purchased for $15.

It’s unclear if these ghostly residents have settled down since the music venue (the former Masquerade is now undergoing redevelopment) relocated to Underground Atlanta in 2016. Given that it’s been part of Atlanta for 90 years, it’s not surprising The Fox Theatre has its share of ghostly tales. When it comes to Southern spooks, Savannah has Atlanta beat with its spectral arms tied behind its back, but that doesn’t mean our city lacks ghosts and ghouls. We are not responsible for content on external web sites linked from ours, including linked resources, an external blog post, any partner site, hotel property sites, or affiliate sites. We only write about places we love in an attempt to help you in your adventures, but we can’t guarantee you will love them, too. Sample treats throughout the Zoo, and enjoy the sights, characters, and adventures of the whimsical Zoo Boo Town on four magical days with more than 1,000 animals from around the world.

Containment gets its name from being built out of 26 shipping containers. They offer both main attraction tickets and combo tickets to see both. The haunts are 13 Stories Haunted House, Clown Haus Returns, Vertigo Haunt, and The Ruins Haunt. They offer tickets for the four haunts, and VIP tickets that will get you to the front of the lines. The sets are professionally done, and the actors are very good.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Cotton House Hotel, Autograph Collection Barcelona a MICHELIN Guide Hotel

cotton house hotel autograph collection

Lido House has been designed by WATG; its scheme inspired by the quaint cottages of Cape Cod. Living so close, Olson felt he had a responsibility to make the hotel a place for the community as much as for visitors. As such, the grand opening party was a local affair, with Newport Beach residents top of the guest list, and musical entertainment provided by Aloe Blacc, an internationally-known singer who grew up in Orange County. The celebration was clearly a proud moment for Olson, one that saw him personally seeing to the needs of hotel guests as well as rubbing shoulders with locals. When I stayed at The Notary in January, it was a completely different hotel. The former public areas of the building house an elegant library, several lounges, a terrace and an outdoor swimming pool.

See what guests loved the most:

There’s something fabulous about swimming in a rooftop pool, sipping a cocktail, and staring at Gaudi's famed Sagrada Familia. Luckily, Cotton House’s rooftop terrace offers it all, with plenty of seating and a bar. Down the hall from the pool is a dedicated massage room for spa services. Next door is a small 24-hour gym with a Technogym recumbent bicycle, elliptical machine, and limited free weights. Free yoga, aquagym classes, and group runs are offered as well. Bataur Restaurant -- with its vintage checkerboard styling and big outdoor terrace -- serves Spanish and Mediterranean cuisine plus a rotating themed menu that includes international offerings.

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

The quality score helps ensure that our selection stays fresh and vital. Have no fear, though — everything else is the same. You'll still enjoy the full fabulous MICHELIN Guide experience when you book, including our legendary service and delightful style. Book direct on MICHELIN Guide and feel secure with our dedicated travel specialist team ready to assist.Best prices are guaranteed.

The best of Barcelona

As the world's largest hotel chain, Marriott has the benefit of using that heft to build up the largest of these soft brands. As I think about returning to my pre-pandemic travel patterns, the independent-felling hotels that are part of the big chains will probably be on the top of my list. It would take another six years for Autograph to hit the 100-property milestone and today there are more than 180 hotels in 30-plus countries and territories. Today, hotel brands are offering more and more choices that don't feel so cookie cutter. One of my favorite tales involves a work trip consisting of nine domestic flights in a week and stays in four different hotels. Waking up Friday morning, I couldn't tell what city I was in but I knew that I was in a Hilton.

A Barcelona Hotel Evokes a Time When Cotton Was King (Published 2016) - The New York Times

A Barcelona Hotel Evokes a Time When Cotton Was King (Published .

Posted: Fri, 02 Sep 2016 07:00:00 GMT [source]

But these days I find myself booking more and more of these hotels to give myself a sense of place when spending a night -- or a week -- at a hotel. The location between City Hall and the convention center is ideal for most travelers. And if you still want a chain feel, stay at the Marriott or the Residence Inn by Marriott on either side of the hotel. This was going to be a big year for hotel openings.

MICHELIN Guide’s Point Of View

Keep in mind, opting-out only affects your current device. You must therefore adjust this setting on each device as necessary to reflect your preference. Cots and extra beds are not available at this property. To see correct prices and occupancy information, please add the number of children in your group and their ages to your search. Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to accommodation type.Please enter the dates of your stay and check the conditions of your required room. Couples particularly like the location — they rated it 9.2 for a two-person trip.

Amenities at Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection

For a posh boutique option that's right in the Gothic Quarter, check out Hotel Ohla, though it lacks the same classic dazzle. Rooms here are an exercise in balance, with both modern and classic flair. Expect to see eye-catching -- yet restrained -- details like rear-lit sketches of plants, abundant nail-head accents, and vintage-inspired furniture. While most rooms eschew the overtly elegant style found in the hotel's common areas, a few suites are available with gilded ceilings and four-poster beds.

cotton house hotel autograph collection

For Guests

The mansion was originally built in 1879 as the home of a wealthy textile merchant, and that opulence has endured the test of time. The building was eventually purchased by the Cotton Manufacturers Guild and became their headquarters before being converted into a seven-story luxury hotel in 2015. Many original elements -- from the grand marble staircase and gilded walls to the ceiling murals -- remain. An on-site atelier and cotton buds arranged like floral bouquets are scattered throughout the hotel, reflecting the building’s mercantile history. Today, the lobby features ornately painted double-high ceilings, distressed mirrors, low-slung couches, and a clubby downbeat soundtrack.

Search for Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection discounts in Barcelona with KAYAK. Search for the cheapest hotel deal for Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection in Barcelona. KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to help you find and book the hotel deal at Cotton House Hotel Autograph Collection that suits you best. $439 per night (Latest starting price for this hotel).

The columns feature leather and metal accents to represent water staining while wood and mesh screens reference the nets of local fishermen. The restaurant, Jute Coastal Bar + Kitchen is named after the raw fibre often used to make rope, with its design scheme featuring woven chairs and string flags. Large-scale water paintings by Sausalito photorealist Eric Zener line the walls of the lobby, a smaller version of which can be seen in the guestrooms alongside a sun-washed palette, natural textures and splashes of blue. While Lido House, Westdrift and Hotel Republic share the same coastline, the design of each is markedly different.

Not forgetting the Sagrada Familia, a 20-minute walk away. The openings of Lido House, Westdrift and Hotel Republic mark a significant milestone in the expansion of Autograph Collection in California. That three hotels along the same stretch of coast have such different stories to tell is a credit to the design teams involved. And there’s more to come from the brand, as it’s revealed the state will welcome six more Autograph Collection members in the coming years. While the locations and design concepts are yet to be announced, one thing’s for certain; each will remain true to the brand promise of delivering an experience exactly like nothing else. Unfortunately the staff in the restaurant were a nightmare.

Their private bathrooms include free toiletries and a hairdryer.Cotton House Hotel, Autograph Collection, A Marriott Luxury & Lifestyle Hotel has a stylish bar, as well as its own restaurant. Guests can also enjoy some Spanish Tapas on the terrace. You will find a wide range of dining options and shops in the surrounding streets.Passeig de Gracia Metro Station is just 400 metres from the Hotel and trains to the airport stop there. You will find a wide range of dining options and shops in the surrounding streets.Passeig de Gracia Metro Station is just 1312 feet from the Hotel and trains to the airport stop there.

cotton house hotel autograph collection

The Eixample district is a perfect grid of wide streets that form blocks with chamfers on each corner, facilitating circulation and visibility. Like the buildings in this original district, the Cotton House Hotel has an interior patio garden. The Eixample was planned at the end of the 19th century and today it is one of the best districts in Barcelona thanks to its planning simplicity and the quantity of services and amenities it offers. It was the district chosen by rich Catalan industrial bourgeoisie to build their stately homes in the Modernist style, which is why it is the area of Barcelona with the highest concentration of buildings in this style. Of particular note are La Pedrera and Casa Batlló, both the work of Gaudí, Barcelona’s most universal architect (they are a 10-minute walk from the hotel).

Tablet Hotels is all about discovering the world's most exciting hotels — places where you'll find a memorable experience, not just a room for the night. For 20+ years we've scoured the earth, evaluating hotels that meet every taste and budget, creating a hand-picked selection that's proven and inspired. In fact, our painstaking curation led to Michelin making us the official hotel selection of their legendary MICHELIN Guide. The MICHELIN Guide had always been a benchmark in gastronomy. Location is great, the hotel itself amazing, nice balcony, great pool, good breakfast and lovely stuff.

We received the worst service at breakfast had to wait an hour to place our order and then waited to receive it and then couldn’t get the bill when we were in a rush. Ultimately we complain to the manager and he gave us a complementary breakfast but it left a very bad taste in our mouth‘s about the whole experience of staying at the hotel. Very unfortunate Since we really did think it was a lovely property. Lido House has three distinct F&B venues, its signature restaurant being The Mayor’s Table. Honouring the site’s city hall roots, the scheme takes on a more masculine style with the use of dark woods, steel and glass along with industrial light fittings. There are plenty of nautical touches however, with trinkets such as model boats and mermaids dressing the shelves.

32 Best Hotels in Barcelona, from High Design to High-Tech - Condé Nast Traveler

32 Best Hotels in Barcelona, from High Design to High-Tech.

Posted: Mon, 03 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Represents the true and most authentic essence of the Barcelona lifestyle; discreet sophistication, familiar and at the same time elegant. Enjoying some tapas and drinks in its lush and extensive terrace is a very tempting plan you cannot afford to miss. We have more than 70 million property reviews, and they're all from real, verified guests. This hotel was highly rated for its very comfy beds. It recently re-opened under this new name and the Autograph Collection but days before checking in, I realized I had actually stayed at this property when it was first converted into a hotel about 15 years ago.

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